Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin | Sara DeCorso

Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin

 Sunday 20-Tuesday 29 June 2010
 The Netherlands and Belgium

Francesco Conti - Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena
dir. René Jacobs
regie: Stephen Lawless

Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam:
20, 21, 23, 24, 26 June, 18:30
27 June, 13:30

Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles:
29 June, 19:00

Don Chisciotte: Stéphane Degout
Dorotea: Inga Kalna
Lucinda: Gillian Keith
Fernando: Christophe Dumaux
Cardenio: Bejun Mehta
Lope: Mark Tucker
Ordogno: Johannette Zomer
Sancio Pansa: Marcos Fink
Maritorne: Judith van Wanroij
Rigo: Dominique Visse
Mendo: Geoffrey Dolton